About the Project


Freedom’s Truth: Justice and Responsibility

“Liberty and the American Idea” is a writing project that includes this blog, a forthcoming book, and additional resources to come.

The project explores the dynamic interplay of freedom and responsibility in American history and heritage, and challenges our thinking about the ethical foundations of liberty itself.  It is a response to the decades-long degradation of social and economic conditions in the United States, to the loss of civility and trust among Americans, and to the weakening of integrity and self-reliance in the American character.

Without partisan political posturing, the book and blog offer insights into how personal freedom and empowerment can be realized despite our differences and the obstacles we face.  A practical strategy is offered to facilitate a long-term approach to stability and honorable prosperity, and a path forward to engage every citizen.

The book is organized in two parts.  The first reviews aspects of the history and ideas that have contributed to our strength as a nation or to our difficulties.  Offered without partisan judgment, it attempts to outline the traditions, ideas and issues, which will be important in any realistic consideration of the future.  My intended purpose is to encourage and facilitate this most essential dialogue.

The second half of the book presents a strategic proposal for making such dialogue possible, for stabilizing our lives and regenerating confidence in the future.  It offers a path forward that will not be easy, but which I believe to be the only possible means for navigating through the darkness ahead—and to emerge intact on the other side.

The proposed strategy is founded upon the expectation of a long and deepening crisis.  It is based on the proposition that authentic dialogue and constructive problem-solving will only be possible in functional local communities—and that it will be material necessity that motivates such cooperation.  Only in this way can we gradually come to understand and influence one another as fellow-citizens must.

Dependable working relationships that support safety and survival in a collapsing society will become essential.  Trustworthiness, patience and forbearance will be motivated by practical necessity.  Without this, the future will remain mired in conflict and helplessness.

This is an extremely demanding proposition.  Yet, I believe we have no choice.  Americans are, indeed, challenged to rise to the next level.

The strategy is outlined briefly in the introduction to the book, (linked at the top of this page), and developed fully in the book.  The project will include the development of practical resources for well-organized and authentic American communities.

Until the book is published, most blog posts will be adapted from or related to the manuscript.  Several completed chapters are made available in draft at the top of this page, as well as the Introduction to the book.  An annotated table of contents is also available.  Thoughtful responses from readers, and dialog among readers, will be welcomed and greatly appreciated.  Rules of engagement are posted at the bottom of the homepage.

Recent Posts

Responsibility in a Complex World

It has been said that liberty is not possible without responsibility.  Is it true?  Do we understand what this means?  This is not a new question for this blog.  But there are really several questions implied here:  What is true liberty, and how does liberty depend on the fundamental (actual) reality in which we live—as opposed to our many imagined and misperceived assumptions?  And how can we live accordingly?

I expect none of us seek the liberty of wild animals, which is subject to the unbending requirements of nature.  A free society, though far more flexible, never-the-less depends on respect for the well-being of our neighbors, as well as the civil order we all depend upon.  There can be no freedom which violates the safety, dignity, or property of others.

We all know this country is facing serious problems which demand attention.  Emotions are high, and understandably so.  Yet, words and actions which destabilize the order necessary to resolve problems and make changes are self-defeating and accomplish nothing. Without an orderly process for addressing differences and difficulties we are confronted with an abyss.

As human beings we actually do possess the capacity to respond effectively to difficulties.  We are capable of responsibility—the ‘ability to respond’ constructively. I will offer several observations.

If we are to accept responsibility for rational problem-solving, how is this to be accomplished?

First, responsibility for something depends on accurate perceptions of circumstances rather than on unexamined assumptions, and certainly not on the false assuredness of the human imagination.

Second, problem-solving quickly runs into trouble without rules of engagement we can agree on. This is something we actually have, if we are willing to make constructive use of it.  However, making use of it depends on a constructive attitude—a readiness to listen, to understand one another, and to compromise to the extent necessary for immediate problem-solving.

The next steps will require a long view, and emotional discipline.  Why?  Because we cannot advance toward a more principled future without interactive dialog. This will not be possible unless we understand and respect the values, experience, and concerns of everyone at the table.  It’s that simple.

Neighborhood forums can be effective at addressing needs and core issues, if we want them to be so.  On the national level we also have an effective and well-tried model, if we want to make it so. Whatever its limitations, the Constitution of the United States provides a structure for decision-making designed for a contentious people.  It is notable for its’ simplicity and absence of constraints.

The Founders knew that respect for certain basic virtues would be essential—honesty, truthfulness, trustworthiness and cooperation.  They said so.  Clearly, they expected Americans to govern their own behavior.

The imperative that future Americans observe virtue ethics and engage in respectful behavior was stated by Patrick Henry, James Madison, George Washington and others. 

The Founders could not impose the cooperation upon which the Constitution depends, but the document makes necessity self-evident. Correcting problems and making changes requires a structure and process that makes this possible.

Order is necessary to make changes to order. If we destroy the means for decision-making we will descend into chaos.  And chaos has no means to correct itself.

How do we understand the meaning of freedom in a complex civilized order? Fairness and balance are written into the legislative structure of the Republic.  The rest depends on us. 

We are more than 300 million in number and we have differences—differences in experience and perspective and creative imagination.  This cries out to be investigated, to be understood and respected.  It has reasons!

Instability begins with an unwillingness to listen and understand.   

We must never throw away our inheritance and imagine it possible to start over from nothing.


Note to regular readers: You may look for the next post on or about June 3.

An Introduction to the forthcoming book and an annotated Table of Contents are linked at the top of the homepage.

  1. Truthfulness and Trust Comments Off on Truthfulness and Trust
  2. Who We Are! 1 Reply
  3. A Doorway to Safety 2 Replies
  4. An American Choice Comments Off on An American Choice
  5. Trust and Distrust Comments Off on Trust and Distrust
  6. Liberty, Order and Individuality Comments Off on Liberty, Order and Individuality
  7. Freedom & Responsibility 1 Reply
  8. Freedom’s First Principles Comments Off on Freedom’s First Principles
  9. Safety and Self-reliance Comments Off on Safety and Self-reliance
  10. Courage and Authenticity Comments Off on Courage and Authenticity
  11. A New Way of Seeing 1 Reply